Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Shoe Bomber Remembered

In the current issue of The Atlantic,  Jeffrey Goldberg writes about how easy it is to circumvent the TSA's security systems. You can read the article he wrote here:

I wrote Mr. Goldberg the following letter.

                                                                                 * * * 

Dear Mr. Goldberg:

Up until today, my least favorite person on earth was the shoe bomber.  I hate him not because he attempted to smuggle a bomb in his shoes, but rather because I now have to take my shoes off at every airport checkpoint in the world.

Now, however, you are my least favorite person in the world.

It is obvious to anyone with a fourth grade education that the airport security system does not work.  It is there to make passengers feel better about flying.  Ultimately, anyone who wants to kill a lot of people can do it.  That's one of the problems and risks of living in a free society.  The good news is, the odds of any one of us being that person who dies at the hands of terrorists is pretty darn low.

As a result of the self-evident things which you have written in your article, I am sure that 300 bureaucrats at the TSA will go on special assignment to start trying to block these gaping security holes.  No matter what their efforts, there will be new gaping holes which they will not block.  But, every passenger who goes through airport security will now be subject to an even more irritating and unnecessary process. And it's all your fault.

Mr. Goldberg, I will rue your name every time I have to pass through the new "improved" airport security system.  As far as I'm concerned, you are just as bad as the shoe bomber.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Be sure to post a reply. It is good too know that there is at least one Atlantc reader left. If there is one thing to learn about the shoe bomber incident, it's bring a Zippo next time.